(DEA&DP Ref No.: 16/3/3/2/B2/32/1041/21)
(Heritage Western Cape Ref No.: 19080607AS0214E)
(Department of Water & Sanitation WULA Ref: WU20475)
The Worcester East Water Users Association (WEWUA) proposes to construct a new dam (i.e. the Langkloof Dam) and associated infrastructure, approximately 8km north east of Worcester, on Portion 1 of Farm Lang Kloof No. 322 as well as Portion 22 and Remainder of Portion 4 of Farm Twee Fonteinen No. 319, within the Breede Valley Municipality, in the Western Cape Province.
The proposed project, including associated infrastructure, includes the following:
- A new dam (the proposed Langkloof Dam), with a maximum storage capacity of
2.40 Mm3, maximum dam wall height of approximately 36m, and water surface area at Full Supply Level (FSL) of approximately 16.50ha. -
- Proposed new water pipeline, from the proposed Langkloof Dam to the existing Boskloof pipeline. The proposed pipeline would have a diameter of 400mm and would be approximately 1.6km in length.
- Re-alignment of a section of an existing gravel farm road that would be located within the FSL of the proposed Langkloof Dam, to above the proposed dam basin.
The current water distribution scheme is entirely reliant on pumping to distribute water (i.e. the water distribution scheme currently functions by pumping water from the Breede River into several balancing dams which supply the surrounding agricultural areas). There are currently no contingency measures in place which would allow for irrigation in the event where the system experiences “down-time”, which could be caused by a lack of power (e.g. load shedding) or a pump malfunction. According to Zutari (previously known as Aurecon South Africa (Pty) Ltd), the consulting engineers for the project, the main need for the proposed project is to provide emergency gravity storage (of water) for the system in the event of power failures, to increase assurance of water supply to the crops for the members of the Worcester East Water Users Association (WEWUA), as well as to possibly irrigate certain areas under gravity.
In terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations (2014), as amended, enacted in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998), as amended, the proposed project triggers a number of listed activities identified in Government Notices (GN) R983, R984 and R985, as amended. Accordingly, the proposed activities require Environmental Authorisation from the competent environmental authority, viz. the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA&DP) via the Scoping and Environmental Impact Reporting process outlined in GN No. R982, as amended.
Holland & Associates Environmental Consultants has been appointed by the Worcester East Water Users Association to undertake the requisite EIA process for the proposed project (in this case, a Scoping and Environmental Impact Reporting (S&EIR) process) in accordance with the NEMA (Act No. 107 of 1998) EIA Regulations (2014), as amended.
Note: An Integrated Water Use License Application (WULA) for the proposed project was lodged on the electronic water use license application system of the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) for the proposed project on 24 May 2021, in terms of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998) (NWA). The following water uses as defined in Section 21 of the NWA have been applied for: 21(b) storing of water; 21(c) Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse and 21(i) altering the beds, banks, course or characteristics of a watercourse.
The Draft EIA Report (including the draft Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) and Maintenance Management Plan (MMP)), and standalone Executive Summary, are available to registered Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) for review for a 30-day comment period (excluding the period 15 December – 5 January) (i.e from 23 November 2021 – 14 January 2022), and are downloadable via the links below. I&APs have 30 days, i.e. until 14 January 2022 to submit comments on the proposed project and the aforementioned documents. Comments received from I&APs will be incorporated into a Comments and Response Report (CRR(3)) and will be included in the final Environmental Impact Assessment Report, which will be submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA&DP) for decision making.
Should you have any comments, issues or concerns regarding the proposed project or the findings of the Draft EIA Report, please provide your comments in writing to Ms Kelli Ross of Holland & Associates Environmental Consultants, by email, fax or post (Fax: 086 762 6126, email: or post: PO Box 31108, Tokai, 7966), on or before
14 January 2022.