(DEA&DP Ref No: 16/3/3/5/B2/3/1011/16)
Environmental Authorisation for the Kleinberg Dam Scheme, a new off-channel water storage and distribution scheme in the Sanddriftkloof of the Hex Valley, Western Cape, was granted by the DEA&DP on 16 February 2016. On 3 June 2016, the Hex Valley Water Users Association submitted an Application for Amendment of the Environmental Authorisation (EA) to DEA&DP for minor amendments to some of the pipe diameters for the scheme. The proposed amendments included an increase to some of the pipe diameters (e.g. from an authorised 700mm or 750mm diameter pipe to an 800mm diameter pipe; and from an authorised 400mm diameter pipe to a 500mm diameter pipe), as well as a decrease to some of the pipe diameters (e.g. from 400mm to 350mm and smaller). The proposed amendment to the pipeline diameters will not result in an increase to the working widths required during the construction phase for the placement of the pipelines. The construction phase footprint associated with the proposed amendments to the pipeline diameters would therefore remain the same as the authorised project. The proposed amendments to the pipeline diameters required an amendment to the wording of the project description included in the EA and Environmental Management Programme (EMP) for the project.
Interested and/or Affected Parties are hereby notified that DEA&DP has decided to grant the amendment of the EA issued on 16 February 2016 (DEA&DP Ref: 16/3/1/2/B2/3/1008/12). The decision, which was dated and issued on 28 June 2016, includes the following amendments:
- The project descriptions included in Section B (“List of Activities Authorised”) and Section 2 (“Alternatives: Layout/Design Alternative”) of the EA have been amended to reflect the requested amendments to the pipeline diameters.
- Condition of Authorisation 7 (relating to the authorised EMP) has been amended, and now authorises the updated EMP (dated June 2016). The EMP was amended to include an updated project description (reflecting the changes to the pipe diameters).
All other conditions contained in the EA issued on 16 February 2016 remain unchanged and in force.
The decision and reasons for the decision of the Amended EA can be viewed via the downloadable link below.
We would like to draw your attention to your right to appeal against the decision in terms of the National Appeal Regulations, 2014. An appellant must, within 20 calendar days from the date on which the holder of the decision sent notification of the decision to the registered I&APs, submit an appeal in accordance with Regulation 4 of the National Appeal Regulations 2014 (as amended) to the Appeal Administrator; and submit a copy of the appeal to the holder of the decision, any registered I&AP, any Organs of State with interest in the matter, and the decision-maker (i.e. DEA&DP). The holder of the decision, the decision-maker that issued the decision, the registered I&APs and the Organs of State must submit their responding statements, if any, to the appeal authority and the appellant within 20 calendar days from the date of receipt of the appeal submission. The appeal and the responding statement must be submitted to the address listed below:
By post: Western Cape Ministry of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Private Bag X9186, Cape Town, 8000
By facsimile: 021 483 4174
By hand: Attention: Mr Jaap de Villiers (Tel: 021 483 3721) Room 809, 8th Floor Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, 8001
Note: For purposes of electronic database management, you are also requested to submit electronic copies (Microsoft Word Format) of the appeal, responding statement and any supporting documents to the Appeal Authority to the address listed above and/or via e-mail to Jaap.DeVilliers@westerncape.gov.za