Holland & Associates offer a comprehensive suite of avifaunal monitoring and assessment services and are able to provide EAP’s and Applicants with the expertise of our high-caliber, in-house, avifaunal specialist and ornithologist, Ms Anja Albertyn (MSc, Pr.Sci.Nat).  Ms Albertyn is assisted by Dr Miqkayla Stofberg (Ph.D.), a published biological scientist, specialising in ornithology, who holds a PhD from the FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology at the University of Cape Town. Where required, we also have a country-wide network of experienced avifaunal observers and field team leaders that enable us to conduct the avifaunal monitoring of large-scale projects which necessitate extended observer teams. Holland & Associates avifaunal monitoring and reporting is undertaken in compliance with inter alia the Protocol for the Specialists Assessment and Minimum Report Content Requirements for Environmental Impacts on Terrestrial Animal Species (GN No. 1150 of 30 October 2020); The Species Assessment Guidelines (SANBI 2022); The Birds & Wind Energy Best Practice Guidelines (Jenkins et al. 2015); The Verreauxs’ Eagle guidelines (BirdLife SA, 2017). The Black Harrier & Wind Energy Guidelines (Simmons et al. 2020); Verreauxs’ Eagle and Wind Farms Guidelines (Birdlife SA 2021); and the IUCN Wind & Solar Guidelines (Bennun et al 2021).

Anja Albertyn holds a Master of Science in Zoology, specialising in Ornithology, from the Percy Fitz-Patrick Institute for African Ornithology at the University of Cape Town, a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Zoology, and a Bachelor of Science in Botany and Zoology. She has been involved in bird monitoring activities since 2004 and has acted as lead specialist for avifaunal impact assessments, avifaunal feasibility studies and bird specialist reports on a large number of projects. She has over 14 years of experience as an environmental consultant and over 20 years of experience as an ornithologist. Anja has provided specialist avifaunal services on a variety of projects, including wind and solar energy facilities, transmission lines and other electrical infrastructure, agricultural expansion projects, water supply dams, housing developments, zip lines and salt mining projects.

Anja is registered with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) and is a selected member of the Birds and Renewable Energy Specialist Group (BARESG), having served on this forum at the invitation of Birdlife South Africa and the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT), since 2019.

Holland & Associates’ Avifaunal Specialist monitoring and assessment services include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Project feasibility and pre-feasibility surveys and assessments and reconnaissance studies.
  • Raptor Nest Surveys.
  • Site Sensitivity Verification Reporting.
  • Pre-application Avifaunal Monitoring Plans.
  • Avifaunal Compliance Statements.
  • Avifaunal Impact Assessments.
  • Pre-Construction Avifaunal Monitoring and Impact Assessment for Renewable Energy Facilities (Wind & Solar).
  • Post-Construction Avifaunal Monitoring for Wind Energy Facilities.

Should you wish to discuss your specific project requirements with us, or to obtain a quotation, kindly contact Ms Anja Albertyn on anja@hollandandassociates.net, Cell: +27 76 265 8933 or Mr Ross Holland on ross@hollandandassociates.net, Cell: +27 72 601 0803

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